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Last Updated |  15 Jul 2024


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Tokenisation is a security process that replaces sensitive data with a unique identifier called a token. This token can be used for processing purposes within a system without exposing the original data. It's like creating a pseudonym for sensitive information that protects the real value while still allowing essential functionalities. Tokenisation is widely used to safeguard various types of sensitive data, including payment card information (credit card numbers, debit card numbers), social security numbers, personally identifiable information (PII), and account login credentials.


How Tokenisation Works

Tokenisation involves generating a token to replace the original sensitive data. The sensitive information is stored securely in a tokenisation vault, and only the unique token is used during transactions or data processing. This process ensures that sensitive data is not exposed during transmission or storage.


Key Steps in Tokenisation

  1. Data Submission: The original sensitive data is submitted to a tokenisation service.
  2. Token Generation: The tokenisation service creates a unique token that has no inherent meaning or value on its own. This token is mathematically linked to the original data using secure cryptographic algorithms.
  3. Data Storage: The original sensitive data is securely stored in a vault separate from the systems that utilise the token.
  4. Token Usage: The generated token is used within the system for transactions or processing activities instead of the original data.
  5. Decryption (if needed): In some cases, authorised systems can decrypt the token back to the original data using the tokenisation service and the appropriate security keys.


Benefits of Tokenisation

  • Enhanced Security: Protects sensitive data from breaches and cyberattacks by replacing it with a token that holds no exploitable value.
  • Compliance: Helps organisations comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR, PCI DSS, and others.
  • Reduced Risk: Minimises the risk of data exposure during transactions and storage.
  • Flexibility: Tokens can be used across various systems and platforms without exposing sensitive information.


Limitations of Tokenisation

  • Complex Implementation: Requires integration with existing systems and may involve complex implementation processes.
  • Dependency on Token Vault: Security relies on the secure storage and management of the tokenisation vault.
  • Performance Impact: Tokenisation processes may introduce latency or performance overhead in some systems.


Different Types of Tokenisation

  • Replacement Tokens: These tokens simply replace the original data with a random string of characters.
  • Vault-Based Tokens: The token acts as a reference that points to the original data securely stored in a separate vault.
  • Payment Tokens: These tokens are specifically designed for digital payment transactions and often follow industry standards like PCI DSS.


Applications of Tokenisation

  • Payment Processing: Tokenisation is widely used in the payment industry to protect credit card information during transactions.
  • Data Privacy: Used to protect personal data such as Social Security numbers, medical records, and other sensitive information.
  • Cloud Security: Ensures that sensitive data stored in the cloud is protected from unauthorised access and breaches.


How Smile ID Utilises Tokenisation

While Smile ID doesn't directly perform tokenisation itself, our identity verification solutions can complement tokenisation strategies by:

  • Strong Identity Proofing: Smile ID's solutions verify the identities of users requesting access to sensitive data or initiating transactions protected by tokens. This ensures that only authorised individuals can access tokenised information.
  • Reduced Reliance on Sensitive Data: By confirming user identities, Smile ID helps reduce the instances where sensitive data needs to be revealed. This promotes a greater reliance on tokens for secure processing, thereby enhancing overall data security.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Smile ID's biometric and document verification processes add an additional layer of security, supporting the safe and effective use of tokenisation in protecting sensitive information.


Also read: NIN Tokenisation


Tokenisation is a powerful data security technique that protects sensitive information by replacing it with a unique, non-exploitable token. This process enhances security, ensures compliance with data protection regulations, and reduces the risk of data breaches and fraud. Smile ID complements tokenisation strategies by providing strong identity proofing and reducing reliance on sensitive data, thereby enhancing the overall security and effectiveness of the tokenisation process.

Enhance your data security with Smile ID’s comprehensive solutions. Book a demo today to see how we can help you protect sensitive information through advanced identity verification techniques.

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