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Last Updated |  23 Jun 2024


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Biometric Duplication involves enrolling multiple biometric templates (e.g., fingerprints, facial scans) for the same individual within a system. This intentional duplication can be exploited to bypass security measures built on biometric authentication.


This can be done through various methods, such as:

  • Using prosthetics: Creating a fake fingerprint or using a silicone mask for facial recognition.


  • Sharing biometric data: An enrolled individual might share their biometric information with another person to gain unauthorised access.


  • System vulnerabilities: Exploiting weaknesses in a system's biometric enrollment process to enrol duplicate templates.


The Risks of Biometric Duplication

  1. Compromised Accounts: If a duplicate biometric template is used, it can bypass security measures and grant unauthorised access to accounts or systems.

  2. Identity Theft: Biometric duplication could facilitate identity theft, allowing criminals to impersonate legitimate users.

  3. Erosion of Trust: Security breaches due to duplication can erode user trust in biometric authentication systems.


How Smile ID Safeguards Your Business Against Biometric Duplication

  • Advanced Liveness Detection

Our technology goes beyond simple image capture. Smile ID's liveness detection ensures the person presenting the biometric data is a real person, not a photo or video.

  • High-Quality Matching Algorithms

We utilize sophisticated algorithms to match biometric data against enrolled templates accurately. These algorithms are designed to identify and prevent duplicate enrollments.

  • Continuous System Monitoring 

Smile ID's systems are constantly monitored for suspicious activity, including potential duplication attempts.


By implementing these robust measures, Smile ID safeguards your systems from duplication attempts, ensuring the integrity of your biometric data and the security of your users. 



Read More: Paga reduces identity-related fraud by 40% using facial biometrics



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