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Unlock digital Africa. Build a trusted user base.

Smile ID is Africa’s leading digital identity verification, fraud detection, anti-money laundering, and KYC compliance solution for businesses scaling across the continent.
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Unparalleled identity verification solution for Africa

Icon of Accuracy you can trust USP

Accuracy you can trust

Accurately verify African faces with Smile ID. Our facial recognition technology boasts a 99.8% accuracy rate across all skin tones, ensuring correct user approval.
Icon of Stay compliant at scale USP

Stay compliant at scale

With on-ground experts across Africa, we easily deal with regulatory complexities and keep tabs on the ever-changing requirements, ensuring you are compliant at every step.
Icon of Effectively mitigate fraud  USP

Effectively mitigate fraud

Combining facial biometrics with fraud risk signals such as AML checks and duplicate user screening allows you to make informed decisions about who you onboard.

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No-Code Verification

Seamless ID Verification Without Coding

Empower your business with our no-code ID verification tools. Add IDs, customize the interface, and share the link with customers.


Add IDs and Verification Methods

Easily add the IDs and verification methods you need to streamline the process.


Customize the User Interface

Tailor the look and feel to match your brand and provide a seamless experience.


Share the Link with Customers

Generate a unique link and share it with your customers to start the verification process.


Ready to get started?

We are equipped to help you level up your KYC/AML compliance stack. Our team is ready to understand your needs, answer questions, and set up your account.