Automated screening for AML compliance
Trusted users from the start
Check global watchlists
Assess stakeholder risk
Seamlessly combine products
Pair AML Checks with any KYC check to meet all your AML requirements with one platform
Step 1: Provide identification details
Step 2: Image Capture
Step 3: Get KYC results
Reliable AML checks have many layers
Automated AML is fast, thorough and reliable.
Check global and local sanctions
Review sanctions list issued by government and organizations in 32 African countries and many more around the world.
Reveal political risk and associations
We maintain a global PEP list of approximately 1.5 million PEPs and their associates across three levels.
Build complete user profiles
Combine KYC and AML checks to build full user profiles with verified personal information and AML results.
Check negative news on users
This checks the individual against negative news from reputable news agencies. We connect with over 170,000 news publishers across 207 jurisdictions in 60 languages.
Get the most updated information
Watchlists are updated on a daily basis to ensure fraudsters don’t slip through the cracks.
Products to help you with AML Check
AML Check
Screen users against over 1100+ global sanctions, PEP, adverse media watchlists and 170K+ news sources.
AML News
The AML News allows you to view news media publications related to customers' AML checks.
Ready to get started?
We are equipped to help you level up your KYC/AML compliance stack. Our team is ready to understand your needs, answer questions, and set up your account.