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Keep your crypto exchange compliant and secure

Advanced identity verification for cryptocurrency exchanges
Hero image

Accurately identify users across Africa

Lightning-fast verification

Minimize drop-off by verifying users in under 2s

Widest coverage in Africa

Verify users in 54 African countries with one integration

Accurately catch fraud

Leverage biometrics to catch 50% more fraud

Trust the experts

200 million
Verifications completed
1 billion
Identities covered

KYC/AML solutions built for African crypto exchanges

Help your customers purchase and trade cryptocurrency quickly, easily and securely.

Minimize info collected from users with image capture technology

Most crypto users want to transact anonymously. This introduces a challenge for KYC as users are reluctant to provide comprehensive identifying information.

Using image capture technology as a means of identification reduces the amount of information your user has to manually type in. No need to write out long names and addresses or ask users for unnecessary information. With a few quick snapshots, you’re able to identify and verify users with confidence.

Ready to get started?

We are equipped to help you level up your KYC/AML compliance stack. Our team is ready to understand your needs, answer questions, and set up your account.